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Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
At The Kismet Care Foundation, we live by five Core Values:
These Core Values drive our long-term strategies and short-term goals, and they underpin our mission to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and achieve immediate and lasting impact in their lives.
Together, We Can Break the Cycle of Poverty and Feed Children’s Futures
Many families live trapped in a cycle of extreme poverty. Undernourished mothers are more likely to have undernourished children, the effects of which are devastating. But when families and children eat well, they are better equipped to pull themselves out of the cycle of poverty.
Every child deserves the opportunity to learn. We help children get ready for kindergarten and learn to read by third grade — a major indicator of future success. We’re especially focused on reaching vulnerable children in south Asia and Africa where early learning resources are scarce.
Your donation today supports our work to keep children healthy, educated and safe.
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An 'A.B. SAMSON & CO' Company